Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy 2010!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
So Sorry My Pictures Are Too Good for You!
When she went to pick it up they gave her grief and didn't want to let her have it because they thought it was a professional photo. Mom told them thank you and that I would be flattered they thought so. In the end they let her have it.
We will now be customers of CVS one hour. They cost a few cents more but hopefully will be much less hassle. To Wal-Mart I say, so sorry my pictures are too good for you!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
4 Months
Really!? She's 4 months old already!? Wow. Today Reagan is officially a 4 month old. We went for her 4 month check up today and she weighs 12 lbs 13 oz and is 24 inches tall. It's funny because she is tall and skinny for her age. Maybe she will stay that way instead of doing like her mommy and never get any taller after the 7th grade. The doctor said she is perfect...which we all knew already! She is still talkative and happy as ever. She's little miss personality. That is, until her gums start hurting or you try to put her to sleep. It's like she gets offended when you start trying to put her to bed. :) If you keep up with the blog or facebook you know she rolled over for the first time recently. She also can hold up her own weight when standing...she can't balance, but she can support her own weight.
She grabs everything now, including your hair or your face, and loves to pull (ouch!).
Can I have the camera Mommy?
Chillin under the tree.
I love this little person so much!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas With the Canal Heights Family
Friday, December 11, 2009
Rollin, Rollin, Rollin on the ...floor.
Update: I couldn't ever get the video to load on here, but it did on facebook. I put in a link to it below.
Reagan rolled over! Last night we were playing on the living room floor. I had put her on her belly for some tummy time when all of a sudden...she rolled over onto her back! Yay! I immediately yelled for Justin and went for the video camera. He came running in thinking something was wrong. She did it again but I missed it with the camera. We were able to get her to roll over a third time and did manage to catch it! She hasn't rolled over from back to stomach yet, but is getting really close to that as well. Here's a link to the video on facebook.
Sometimes I wish I could freeze time so I could have her just like she is for a little longer...then she starts screaming her head off because her gums hurt and I say, ok enough of that. :) I've been taking all kinds of Christmasy pictures of Reagan. Here are a few.
Reagan with her Christmas Tree
In one of her Christmas dresses
The best present of all :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I'm Special to the Times
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New Stuff!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Decorations!
Christmas on the River
Flyover during the parade.
Reagan slept until the very end of the parade. She was all snuggled up in her stroller.
Friday, December 4, 2009
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
6 Days, 1400 Miles, Lots of Family and Friends
In our Thanksgiving bib
Gran Gran and Pops with all the grand children and great grand children
Reagan and I with my dad and brothers
With Tristan at her baby shower
Sacked out in the car on the way back to Alabama